I have dedicated the most of October to the greatest of all fall fruits: PUMPKIN! When I think cold Autumn nights, I cant wait to get some pumpkin anything! Lets start with FRESH pumpkin. Don't buy that canned crap! Libby's canned pumpkin at my supermarket is $3.15 for 15 oz (a little under 2 cups). The 6 pumpkins I bought cost me $12. They made 19 very generous cup portions. Thats a savings of $19.50! That way I can have yummy pumpkin (pancakes are my favorite!) any time of the year!
Roasting Pumpkin
1 lb pumpkin = roughly 1 cup pumpkin puree
1 small, firm PIE pumpkin
1. Wash the pumpkin and remove any stickers, preheat your oven to 500*
2. Cut the pumpkin in half THE PROPER WAY: Use a serrated battery operated knife, carfully cutting down the middle just after the stem.
2. Cut the pumpkin in half THE JESSICA WAY: Pop off the stem by knocking it against your counter top. Take a seratted knife and start cutting down the middle of where the stem once was. Use your hammer and carefully hammer the knife down the pumpkin.
4. Place about an inch of water into your pyrex dish
5. Place the pumpkins inside down into the water
6 Roast pumpkins for 45-60 minutes, depending on the size.Cook until a knife will easily penetrate and come out of the pumpkin easily.
7. Let the pumpkin rest to room temp, or cool in the fridge until you're able to work with it.
8. The skin of the pumpkin should easily peel off of the cooled fruit
9 Throw away the skin, put the fruit into a big bowl
10. You can freeze how it is if you like a little texture to your pumpkin, or-
11. Take an immersion blender to the fruit, blending until smooth
12. Freeze in 1 cup portion baggies. Most recipes use 1 c portions, so this is easiest.
13. To use frozen portions: Defrost totally. Cut an edge off your baggie and squeeze that yummy fresh pumpkin out the baggie and use!
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