Monday, January 16, 2012

"Shortcut" Spaghetti Sauce

When Steve and I started dating, I found out he was allergic to bottled Spaghetti Sauce.  Gasp!  Make my own spaghetti sauce when a perfectly good bottle is sitting right there?!?!  Fine.  We made the powdered crap with ketchup and hamburger all through college.  Our tastes refined, our recipe became our own.  This is what we have come up with over the years.

Yes, I know there is canned tomato sauce and V8 in this recipe.  Yes, I know they're processed and have preservatives.  One day I'll be 100% preservative-free, right now in about 90%.  Im ok with that for now :)

Tobin's Spaghetti Sauce
4 servings

1/2 lb Italian Sausage or ground beef
1 can tomato sauce
1 can low sodium V8 (why not sneak in some extra vegetables in?!)
1 med onion
1 green pepper
3 garlic cloves
1/4 c Italian seasoning
1/2 can tomato paste, if needed


1.Cook onion and green pepper until soft

Notice how the sausage is in the middle and the vegetables are around the edges?  It will cook the sausage without burning the vegis.

2.Add sausage, crumble and brown

3.Add remaining ingredients, turn heat to med-low
4.Simmer for 20 minutes
5. If not thick enough, or if sauce separates, add 1/2 can tomato paste

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